Morning Time-out
Its early Tuesday here in Baghdad and I'm waiting for a co-worker to get ready to go. I got a semi-frantic call last last night asking if I could come in the office early to make some changes to a training brief that is set to go live at 10:00 am. I said sure of course and popped up early only to find that the poor soul that made the request stayed up too late working on other things and overslept - I can tell this is going to be a long day.
On other fronts, we survived another rocket attack this week. It is funny how the mind works. I only hear them after they have struck, but even then I don't really do much. I was laying in bed when the first hit. I thought to myself, hmmm, that sounded like a rocket but before I could get that thought out, another, then another, then another. Obviously I was fortunate wasn't impacted, but it did make me think about how normal this place becomes.
In other news, it looks like I am off on another adventure. I sealed the deal yesterday on my next R&R; I am headed to Australia. Every since I was a kid I wanted to go down under - hehe. Anyway, the trip is set and I leave for Sydney on March 17 and will return on or about April 1. I will definitely be taking my camera and I will try to be better at posting throughout the trip. If anyone has been there and had some good tips, please send them my way. You can click the contact button under my picture to the right and it will go straight into my e-mail.
That's all for now. I hope everyone is doing well, keeping warm, and happy.
Oh, and an adorable picture I took in Bangkok. A dog waiting on a call - how funny?