Saturday, April 21, 2007

Saturday open...

Woke up early this morning to a crazy beautiful day here in DC. Have a busy day ahead, but wanted to drop a quick note. Still preparing to run the Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon in early May, so headed out in a bit for a long run (wish my knees luck), then to the base for a haircut (wish me luck), and finally to Costco (wish mankind luck). Actually, I've never been to a Costco, but I imagine that it is the Wal-mart for city-folk.

Other than that, mood is very good today.

Recent Obsession:
Chemical Romance, The Black Parade

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Oh My God, they killed my AIM guy...those bastards!

For all of you worker bees out there that refuse to do anything at work, but work...turn away. You do not want to know how the other half lives.

This morning I signed on to my laptop, and yes it is a work computer. Anyway, I run through the motions. I open the wireless card, open the Internet explorer to the drudereport (one of my guilty pleasure) and eventually I check the work e-mail account to make sure that I still have a job. At some point during this process AOL AIM starts up. It is not something that I intentionally open, but its an old friend. Well, that old friend did not come around today.

You see, this is my own fault. As a rule, we are not allowed to access any chat services via our laptops. However, somehow, when my new machine was configured they left that door open and I walked through it. Don't get me wrong, I do not spend all day chatting, as a matter of fact, my buddy list is quite sparse. But it is there, it was my little place in the cyber world. I even went so far as to create my own little identity with animations, backgrounds, and even a dog on occasion (yeah, I know what your thinking 14 yr old girl).

So, dumb ass me signed on to the company network yesterday to access some files from our corporate shared drive. That was it, in seconds it was over. The system realized that the program was on my machine and denied me access.

I am going to miss that little guy!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Funny Web Shit 2

I ran into this video a couple of weeks ago and lauged my ass off. It is totally inappropriate in a couple levels, but sometimes you gotta say "hell with it" and laugh at wit.

Tell me what you think...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Has anyone seen my eye?

Well, it looks a whole lot like this...

I had one of those trying days today. You know the ones, its like a premonition...regardless of how hard you fight to change it, you know what the outcome is going to be, and it won't be pretty. This is about my visit to the eye doctor.
Okay, a little background. I have not had my eyes checked since my final semester of grad school, which even then was part of a university study (I'm a cheap ass!). After wearing the same pair of contacts for nearly a year, I decided it best (rather the contacts decided for me) that I get another check up and get some new sporty ones...frankly, I look so old in glasses. So...I made a date.

I went in approximately two weeks ago for the eye exam. If you know DC at all then you know that anything that starts out with "Princes Georges..." can't end good (think any bridge into Virginia = lost). That being said, this experience was normal, with a few exceptions. First of all the technician, who did not speak fluent English, could not quite get the glaucoma test just right. That Ho shot air into my eyes five times. I'm not sure what "HEY" in Spanish means, but it got her attention. So, either the final shot worked or she said "screw it!

Then the Dr. came in and I have to say I always hate this exchange; he wanted to discuss the health of my eyes and all I could think about was how he had to know I was not paying a bit of attention to what he was saying....I was hoping like hell there wasn't a test at the end. I mean, we pay them to be specialists and worry about stuff. I pay you, you worry...that's the deal. Anyway, I relate it to getting stoned with your friends. You become so paranoid that everyone thinks your stoned...including those you smoked with...Anyway, out of nowhere I hear him mention my "condition"...what? I have a condition? I just came in because my last contact lens finally curled too much on the edge and it wouldn't stay in my eye any longer...I don't have a condition! Turns out I do...I have a astigmatism. Finally, after embarrassing this humiliating condition I get the bill...$383.

On, and on a quick side not...I DIDN'T GET CONTACT LENSES

That's right, I had to go back into today for a "quick" check up. I guess to make sure my newly discovered plight did not eat my face or something. Well, this jackass had something else in store for me...he felt he needed to dilate my eyes. I strongly objected (if you've had this done before, you'd understand). They put these drops in your eyes then wait. After a few minutes your eyes completely dilate so that Dr. Charge-Me-For-Something-Else can look at the back of my eye. Basically what happens is your eyes are fooled into believing that there is no light, so the little black center gets huge. So, I succumb. They do their thing, charge me another $90 and put me out in the parking lot...eyes fully dilated....that was a fun drive downtown. Oh, still no contacts!

Mood: Pretty good. I went to the gym twice today...bones are tired, but I feel really good.

Listening to: I have got Glamours absolute stuck in my head. I love that song.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Emotionally Drained...

I can't take it anymore. What the hell is wrong with this world? I had the most bizarre sense of deja vu this morning. I was stopped in the hall at work and someone said with an urgent tone "have you seen the news?" My heart just stopped. I knew it was can tell because the person telling you won't actually tell you, rather they make you watch with your own eyes. I tuned in and like everyone else, I just stared...who would shoot kids? Better yet, who would exploit such a thing? Oh wait...MSNBC, CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC, get the point.

Is this what it takes to get Al Sharpton's face off the TV every 15 minutes? don't worry true believers, old Al will find a way to conjure up the race issue just as Bush is sure to make the 9/11 connection.
To the media...who are you people? Do you grow up with the hope of being the most inappropriate and insensitive people or is that something your tuition buys you? It baffles me how an "investigative reporter" won't call a politician on being a liar- when its public knowledge that he is - but will ask the police chief (commander) at Virginia Tech "why are you so dispondent about this shooting? Are you not moved?" - ARE YOU FUCKIN KIDDING ME? This asshole is sure to go back to his other reporter friends and brag about his amazing insight and how he fought to get the "real answer" I don't know who that guys was that asked that question, but after seeing the look on the officers face, I wanted to give him a hug.

On a personal note, work is going well. There still seem to be some "transition issues" but hopefully all will be smoothed out soon. As far as the workout, I have gotten more aggressive. I have taken to the Ipod more, which is actually a big issue for me.

Ok, well its late the taxes aren't done and I'm alone...spooky.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Weekend in Review

Well, its 8:41 pm on Sunday, this means that the weekend is officially shot. My work clothes are laid out and my gym bag is packed...I am ready for Monday. Since I really don't have anything to say I thought a quick weekend recap might be appropriate.

Friday Night - As I mentioned last week, Stephanie is heading to S. Africa on Tuesday for a six week adventure. We sent her off good by having a little throw down and Recessions near Farragut North. To say the bar is "ok" is being polite. Its in the basement of a hotel, a hotel to this day I do recall the name. The night was fun. A couple of highlights:

  1. I got to meet her crazy friend Erin Marie and this bitch is NUTS. It is so bizarre to meet someone that gets, not in a romantic sense, but in a level of thinking...or in this case, sense of humor. Bottom line: I think we were separated at birth, well except she is black and 29...but you get my point.
  2. After leaving Recessions, we went to the bar inside the Jury's Hotel for one more (which I did not need). It was fun, but if I had not enjoyed the previous bar so much, I am sure there is a blog-worthy story...but at this point, it would merely be speculation - don't read into that....I was perfectly happy to sit in a corner and talk about people.
  3. Tracy was nice enough to let me crash on her couch...Christ that was a long walk. I did however get the pleasure of listening to her brother throw up his evening.
Saturday - This was definitely a great day to stay in and be hung over. The weather throughout the entire weekend sucked. Michael picked me up and we pretty much hung out around the house. Later on in the evening a small group went out to celebrate Tracy's 30th. I can't believe young friends are in their 30s.

After a pretty good dinner at Rock Bottom Brewery, we walked around Ballston Commons. I've never been so it was a mall. I did buy a new camera. I'm pretty excited about that. Steph her crew and Tracy went to see a play. We skipped out, but I heard it was good.

Sunday - Another rain soaked day. The basement is leaking again, which pretty much sucks. I went for a run today, not the 12 miles I wanted to do, but good enough. It only took a year, but I really enjoy running. I enjoy the challenge of pushing myself and the peacefulness of doing something by myself. I feel really weird going to the gym lately. I don’t feel uncomfortable, rather out of place.

Well, that’s it. I am sure more happened, but odds are, if anyone is even reading my blog anymore, you’ve stopped reading this entry. If, however, you made it this far, thank you for listening.