A Bridge, an Opera House, and 2 ODs in 24 Hours...
To all of my faithful readers, I have safely made it to Sydney Australia and my first reaction is: this place is beautiful. Not only beautiful, but remarkably clean. I was chatting with a native (in a pub of course) and he indicated that it was a result of the 2000 Olympics - I say DC should win the bid for the next games!
So far I have taken it pretty easy here. The time difference from the states (DC) is 15 hours and 8 for Baghdad so I am completely jet-lagged. I am wide awake at 4 am and dead asleep at 4 pm; which in the bigger picture is no big deal. As a matter of fact it has made for some interesting adventures. As the title would indicate, I have seen the Opera House, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the AMAZING Botanic Garden and 2 over doses - all in 24 hours. Ya see, I'm staying in Kings Cross which I did not know WAS the equivalent of Skid Row in LA. It is a lot different now, so they say, but still rather sketchy. The bars go here til 5 am and if you walk around long enough you can see a couple needle pushes, pills popped, and CPR. Fortunately there were no casualties, but it was a bizarre experience nonetheless.
Plenty of pictures to come...