After a bit of arm twisting Sophie and Anne convinced me to put off Prague for a few days and make a trip up to Berlin before heading to the Czech Republic. I am so glad that she did, it was one of the most amazing cities that I have been too. What was most impressive was that they did not hide from their past; Nazi or Cold War. Instead they put it right out there for everyone to see, discuss, and learn from. I took several pictures, about 200 total, but the ones below are my favorite. I hope you enjoy.

Nothing to this picture really, I just like how it turned out.

What's your sign? As you can see I'm in the bottom right hand corner; can you figure out where your hate symbol is?
I'm guessing this is some sort of German house alarm system. I'm not sure if the cat has something going on with the dog, but the thing looks suspect.
This is "Checkpoint Charlie" where allied forces and diplomatic personnel were allowed to move freely between East and West Berlin. The link is pretty interesting if your into cold war history.