Saturday, April 28, 2007

You lead, I'll follow...

Taking my Luzernian friends lead, I give you the Wikipedia birthday game. Ok, its really not a game, and you don't get prize, but its interesting and educational. Best yet, I don't have to be creative...this blogging shit is hard. But to my loyal subjects, I am compelled..

Ok, here is the jist....

1. Go to Wikipedia and enter your birthday without the year: February 19

2. List three events that occurred that day:
1847 - The Donner Party is rescued. It is noted that some of the survivors seem to be remarkably well-fed considering their ordeal. (Top that one!!)
1964 - Paul Simon writes "The Sounds of Silence," the song which, in a year and a half, will catapult him and Art Garfunkel to stardom as Simon & Garfunkel. (Irony?)
1968 - National Educational Television (the predecessor to the Public Broadcasting Service in the United States) debuts the children's television program Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (I have nothing here....just astonishment)

3. List two important birthdays:

1946 - Karen Silkwood, American activist (d. 1974) (interesting...)
1960 - Andrew, Duke of York (Not a Prince, but I'll settle)

4. List one death:
2003 - Johnny PayCheck, American singer (b. 1938) (still can't resist this little do wop - "Take this job and shove it..."

5. List one holiday or observance:
Astrology: First day of sun sign Pisces
Astrology: Can also be last day of sun sign Aquarius depending on the time of birth and the astrologer's viewpoint. (I'm a cusp baby...if that explains anything)

Ok, so that was a little fun. Now, you try it. I guarantee you will tell your grandchildren about tit..or not.

Mood: Pretty good, however if one more tall blonde catches me off guard by innocently standing next to me at another cross walk, hes getting a punch in the neck!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Not your average Thursday...

When I moved to DC in July of 2005 it purely out of my love for politics. Mind you, I do not now nor have I had an interest in running for office or working in a congressional / executive office. I am not even crazy for that "sense of power" thta one gues once they get tothe hill. With few exceptions, I avoid hill staffers like the plaque. Rather, I like the sense of rightness and fairness that can be the byproduct of these amazing bodies. Hand to God, every time I walk by the Capitol I break out in song (if you know me, you know the Capitol has nothing to do with it) know where I'm going here...

...come on, you know damn well you'll be singing that damn song the rest of the day. At any rate, something changed a few years back. At some point rightness and fairness slipped out of the city under the darkness of night to an undisclosed location where until recently it has been hiding.

So, as I move into my third year of existence in this crazy city, I am encouraged by the changes that are occurring around us. Not in who is winning the most recent debate between Republicans and Democrats on Hardball or the latest alleged ruffle between Hillary and Obama, but in the renewed debate on what is good for country. On that note, I leave you with the following video. If you haven't seen it yet, please take the eight minutes. It is Rep Jack Murtha's closing comments last night. They are heartfelt, honest, and unafraid.

Mood: My mood is very good today. Maybe its because I worked from home most of the day or because I'm feeling the effects of all that running, but its very cool!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Two Crazy Bitches....

Arent' these two a lovely lot?

I don't even know how to start this entry. I just keep staring at these two pictures and thinking about how much I really do not like Rosie and Condi....but why?

I really can't think of anything profound to say except I'm glad Rosie is out of another job and I cannot want for the photo-op of Condi with her hand in the air being sworn in before the House Oversight Committee. I really do not think much is going to come out of it, but it will be good TV.

Other notable happenings in my life:
  • I've taken to reading again. I resisted it for a while, but now I'm back. Currently I am reading Harry Potter #6 and Kite Runner. We'll see which has a better ending.
  • I am completely frustrated with my job. The new manager has not helped and the old bitch is still driving me nuts - no the bitch is not gone! I am really not sure what I am going to do. The program I am supporting wants to hire me, but I have only been with my current firm just over a year. Of course, as attractive as the program job is, working with some of these people for the rest of my career could cause some real damage.
  • In one week I pulled two muscles which has put a stop to my gym visits. I still intend on running the Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon next month. I am sure that I will not top my Cherry Blossom time, but running with my niece, I knew that would be the case. Seeking healing hands for my ribs and my neck --anyone???
  • From a personal perspective, I am working hard to fit in around the house. Over the past few months I have spent too much time at work and doing other things and spent less time with MKO and the home place. It feels really good, we dug a tree up yesterday. To be honest, I think MKO would like it if there was a balance if you know what I mean...LOL In addition, I have really cut back on the number of hours I am working lately.
  • As of yesterday, Steph has been in S. Africa for one week. With only five more to go until she gets home...I am excited. I do hope she is having a blast.
  • Thinking Vacation....where? Any ideas?

Ok, well, that's it for now. But before I go, I want to give some shout outs. It seems that folks in Auckland New Zealand, Bonner Springs Kansas, Beijing China, and Luzern Switzerland have become fans...or stalkers??? Thanks for dropping in, leave a note.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Category: Holy Shit!!!

I ran across this commercial a week or so ago when I was looking for the "Gay Kiss". I had read the summary, so I knew what to expect, but in the end I still found myself staring at the screen in disbelief. This was obviously not produced for American TV, but in my humble opinion, it is very effective in getting the point across.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Robot Chicken - Giraffe

Happy Monday Morning Everyone!!

I love this cartoon. I mean really, how often do you really get to hear a giraffe curse.

I'm getting ready to schlep to the shower in an attempt to start my week. Hitting trivia tonight at the Wonderland in Col. Heights. This should be a lot of fun sober. The last two times I went I hurt the game organizer's feelings....oops. (in my defense, this guy was wearing skin-tight capri pants)

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Weekend recap

Happy 30th Birthday Tracy
Let me start by saying right off that this has been the best weekend I have had in several months! Don't bet me wrong, its not that all the other weekends were bad, but somehow all the stars lined up for a great time.

Friday - Ok, to be honest, this day did not start out well for me. Early on I had an emotional flashback or two that put me on an anxious path (not ambiguous at all..right?). After a roller-coaster of a day I suddenly realized that it didn't have to be that way. I'm not sure what happened, but at some point my whole perspective changed. Not to sound trite, but I decided that I wasn't going to let someone else dictate my happiness (personally or professionally).

As a matter of fact, I was completely calm during the 1.5 hours it took me to drive the 15 miles home from work. Friday night was the key...

After work, MKO and I headed over to Col. Heights to scoop the Cuban for a night on the town. We headed to Rosemary's Tyme for a modest birthday celebration. Hanging out with others was cool, but to be honest, being able to walk around in shorts was the freaking bomb! After ducking out of a cook out in VA, we headed home for an early night.

Saturday - This day was amazing from start to finish. It started at about 7:00 a.m. After sucking down a bit of coffee and leafing through the Sunday's Washington Post (delivered on Saturday if you didn't catch that), I shook MKO out of bed. Cruel I know, but it was crazy nice out and I need to get in a long run and this boy needs sun. So with bike in tow, we headed to the National Mall for a nice 8 mile run. It is really days like this that remind me why I love DC. The tourists, the traffic, the monuments, museums, and even the ever-honking cabs...its all amazing.

After leaving the mall, we hooked up with Steph's man again and headed out to the base for an $8 haircut. Its funny, I know. I did this once before and it was a nightmare. But with my new attitude, I could not have cared less what my hair looked like...well, kinda. It actually turned out really good. We quickly departed en route to my very first visit to Costco. It is true, I have never been to a Costco. After grabbing a few items and a $1.50 hot dog, we headed back toward the fort. Oh, and for those that have never been to a Costco, think Wal-mart in the city. Really, this place was nuts. I saw an old woman standing there contemplating a pack of 30 home air fricking back can her house smell for God's sake. Glad I went ONCE.

Yes, it continues. Headed out to Celebrate Tracy's birthday (again) we head home to chill for a bit. But being that its so nice outside, a car was was necessary. For anyone that knows me, I want a new car soooo bad. Trust me, I have tried every angle, but no luck. So after spending

about 3 hours on the car and OMG...its beautiful...what do you think? I'll keep it another year. (did the truck on Sunday)

After washing up we all headed to Adam's Morgan for a night on the town. A good friend of my recently turned 30 ( and I swear we celebrated it last Saturday), but being a good friend, I headed up to Bourbon on 18th street. This place is actually pretty cool. The vibe is good, music good, and it doesn't get crazy crowded. The only drawback is that I am not drinking right now, so people can get a bit annoying.

Sunday - Despite going to bed at 2:00 a.m., I was back up at 7:30 this morning. There is
something to be said for not being hung-over. Forcing MKO out of bed again, we headed out back to give the truck a good scrub. Looks good, doesn't it?

We finished out the day by meeting a good friend from IU at Eastern Market. We walked around a bit then headed to a sweet rooftop restaurant near the Marine Barracks. We finished by strolling through Capitol Hill (I really miss that neighborhood).

Summary - This weekend was so much fun, and not the kind of fun that one usually things about. I was more focused and productive than I have been in months. Maybe its the sun, the greenery sprouting up everywhere, or a maybe I just like myself better.

Things I miss - Beer!