The Wonderland Ballroom...
I want to give a big shout out to the management of The Wonderland Ballroom because this past week they made a business decision that I am sure will have immediate if not long term returns on their investment: The Fired Kara
I want to be the first to congratulate them on this business defining decision. You see for the most part I really don't care who works behind the bar, regardless of the establishment, because frankly I understand the relationship and it is pretty simple; I want a beer; they hand me a beer; I give them money for the beer and something additional as a tip. Don't get me wrong, I do not think that the relationship needs to be that sterile, but it is the foundation. That said, I have been to a lot of bars in the DC / Northern Virginia region (yes, I do stay out of MD) and have experienced many different types of bartenders (good, bad, mediocre) but I have never experienced anything quite like Kara and honestly it is a story in itself.
I have been going into the Wonderland for nearly two years now. Me and my friends were originally turned onto the place by other friends who had been going since the bar opened and we liked it a lot. I would not call us frequent visitors, but we did go on Saturdays for a little dancing, Monday's for trivia, and an occasional after work drink. Now I tell you about the frequency of my visits and the time frame for which I visited because they will become an issue later in the story. As the story goes, one mild DC afternoon some friends and I walked (dragged) our asses down to 11 th and Kenyon for a bit of the hair of the dog that bit us. In addition to our small group (5ish), because of the bars close proximity to us, we convinced three other friends to make the trek to Columbia Heights to meet us. We showed up about ten minutes late as they already had their drinks. I made my way to the downstairs bar and patiently waited at the end of the bar. I was in no hurry, so I just kinda stood there and waited for the bartender to make her way down the relatively empty bar. What came next I can only recount as my mind will let me. This bartender, Kara ( (see Rosmary's Baby) lost her GOD DAMN MIND. Standing no more than the width of the bar from he she screeched to me (paraphrased):
"Who the fuck do YOOOOUUU think you are? I have customers at the other end of the fuckin bar, go down there if you want something"
(Internal Voice: Despite not seeing a trailer anywhere in the neighborhood, I'm sure I recognize her from Indiana, possibly Corn School, the county fair, or was she one of those frequent guests on the Jerry Springer Show /Maury Show where she spends the entire show trying to figure out which of the 18 guys on stage that have been in her are the father of her baby? Hint: I am of the feeling that the ladder doesn't apply in this girls situation.)
However, being the nice "midwesterner" that I am, I simply gave her the stink eye and walked back out to the patio where I encouraged my entourage to finish their drinks. We abruptly left and headed over to this lovely place on Georgia Ave. However, as we were waiting for our friends to finish their drinks, I couldn't contain myself. I was in shock and and as I relived the nightmare to my friends the bar helper leaned into me and whispered, "at least you don't have to work with her". So we left and you would thing the story would be over, right? Clearly not or this would be a pretty lame story.
This past weekend one my friend who was sitting with us that afternoon sent me a link to a myspace blog (public and open mind you) that he had run across. At first I didn't really consider it as I get a lot of Myspace and Youtube e-mails. After boredom set in I finally clicked the link...oh, it was pure joy. It seems that Kara got her as shitcanned. This of course was no news, but she broadcast it to the world through an myspace blog rant. Unfortunately you cannot read it any longer because she locked her page, but if you ask nicely, she may make you a friend and you can read it ( . Her rant was pretty predictable (unfair management, fuck head this, dick head that...), but what was most interesting was one comment she made that seemed to be the only bit of honesty in her tirade. That she was fired because the neighborhood was changing and that the Wonderland management wanted higher standards for the treatment of their customers...WOW. She actually understands she was fired because she is a horrible human being and she still doesn't get it. Immediately following her speech were several comments from her loyal patrons that have committed to following her to next haunt. Well, as did another, felt compelled to share our experience with the little skank. So I basically recounted the above mentioned story to her and informed her that while I sincerely hope that she lands on her feet, I really would like to know where so that I will not make the same mistake of ordering a drink from her again. The following is her e-mail response to me:

And, in the event you can't ready is the transcription: