Time to Come Clean...
I have known this for a quite a while now, and I probably should have shared it earlier, but late next week I am beginning my path toward Baghdad. I was asked to join a team that will help build the Iraqi government's financial infrastructure and payment system. Now I know that this does not sound exciting to most, but for me this is a very exciting opportunity to do what what I went to school for (Public Policy / Public Financial Management).
Below are the most popular questions I have answered since finding out about the project:
- Are you kidding? I am very serious; besides my jokes are much better than this.
- Are you worried? I am not worried, at least as far as my safety is concerned. It is important to remember that I will be shielded by the U.S. Military and Blackwater (no jokes please...I'm sensitive).
- Are you concerned about anything? Yes, of course. First of all, I will miss the love and security provide to me by Michael on a daily basis. I am also a bit concerned about missing the luxury of being around my friends, the oppressive heat, and the constricted travel. However, what I am most concerned about is a concern that Stephanie made; spending day in and day out surrounded by death and those that are callous to it...I am concerned about how that will change me.
- How is Michael with this decision? He is extremely supportive. For those that know us well, we have had a very difficult year and have come out much happier and stronger than we have ever been. He is a bit concerned, but he is much more independent that I, so I don't think the solitude is a factor. On the contrary, I'm sure he'll enjoy the peaceful evenings.
- How long will you be there? I have "signed on" for a year. This will of course depend on the project and the current state of Iraq. If our safety cannot be secured, we will be sent packing.
- When do you leave? Tentatively I am scheduled to leave for Combat Readiness Training in Fort Benning GA October 6 then depart for Iraq October 13.
That's it for now, but I welcome any questions or advice that anyone may have. This is going to be an amazing year.