The Last Shout...(maybe)
Since arriving in Baghdad last year I found that I stopped counting hours in a day or even days in a week because neither really matter. Due to the nature of life in the International Zone and our living and work situation we never really stop working and never really stop socializing – there is no line that differentiates the two. As a result, I started counting was the number of R&Rs that I have left in me (read: how long can I take this shit?).
When I came to Baghdad last year it was with the understanding that I would commit a year to this project and to Iraq and at the end of that year I would reevaluate the situation and make a determination as to future. This is the point where I find myself now. As I round the corner of trips out of Iraq, I realize that after this current trip I only have one remaining – then the decision! From the beginning I planned that the last R&R would be spent home in DC in preparation for a possible return to normal life. After Michael and I split last year it was clear that a trip home would be a requirement to settle remaining financial and legal issues. Which all of this brings me to this entry – the Last Shout!
Because this is potentially my last trip I wanted it to be significant and I wanted it to be Europe. Since I could not think of just one place to go or one thing to see I decided to repeat the South Africa model and rent a car and just drive. I am in Kuwait now and by 1:00 pm tomorrow I will begin my journey in Frankfurt Germany and 20 days later I will end up in Amsterdam where I will begin making my way back to Baghdad. The map below illustrates those cities or countries that I want to visit along the way. Some cities I may spend a day or two in while others may simply be a drive through.