Budapest Destiny (Besheret)...
I met a pretty cool guy here in Budapest over this past weekend and even though I'm old enough and wise enough to know that it was just a vacation boy crush I did enjoy the "what if?" feelings such as: what if we lived closer; what if we met sooner; what if we both wanted kids (that's for you E). And even though I know the answer to all the questions it was fun have those feelings and the nervousness and jitters that come along with hoping that someone thinks your as cool as you think they are.
Putting the school kid crush aside, it was a affirmation that I am growing through a pretty difficult time in my life. When asked rather bluntly whether I seriously thought that M and I would get back together when I return from Iraq I could honestly say no. I'd like to say it was a sobering reality, but it wasn't; it was something I knew back in December but just hid from.
So, here is to E who I am pretty sure is sitting in Frankfurt reading this thinking "what the fuck did I step into?".