Thursday, April 26, 2007

Not your average Thursday...

When I moved to DC in July of 2005 it purely out of my love for politics. Mind you, I do not now nor have I had an interest in running for office or working in a congressional / executive office. I am not even crazy for that "sense of power" thta one gues once they get tothe hill. With few exceptions, I avoid hill staffers like the plaque. Rather, I like the sense of rightness and fairness that can be the byproduct of these amazing bodies. Hand to God, every time I walk by the Capitol I break out in song (if you know me, you know the Capitol has nothing to do with it) know where I'm going here...

...come on, you know damn well you'll be singing that damn song the rest of the day. At any rate, something changed a few years back. At some point rightness and fairness slipped out of the city under the darkness of night to an undisclosed location where until recently it has been hiding.

So, as I move into my third year of existence in this crazy city, I am encouraged by the changes that are occurring around us. Not in who is winning the most recent debate between Republicans and Democrats on Hardball or the latest alleged ruffle between Hillary and Obama, but in the renewed debate on what is good for country. On that note, I leave you with the following video. If you haven't seen it yet, please take the eight minutes. It is Rep Jack Murtha's closing comments last night. They are heartfelt, honest, and unafraid.

Mood: My mood is very good today. Maybe its because I worked from home most of the day or because I'm feeling the effects of all that running, but its very cool!