Weekend recap
Happy 30th Birthday Tracy

Friday - Ok, to be honest, this day did not start out well for me. Early on I had an emotional flashback or two that put me on an anxious path (not ambiguous at all..right?). After a roller-coaster of a day I suddenly realized that it didn't have to be that way. I'm not sure what happened, but at some point my whole perspective changed. Not to sound trite, but I decided that I wasn't going to let someone else dictate my happiness (personally or professionally).
As a matter of fact, I was completely calm during the 1.5 hours it took me to drive the 15 miles home from work. Friday night was the key...
After work, MKO and I headed over to Col. Heights to scoop the Cuban for a night on the town. We headed to Rosemary's Tyme for a modest birthday celebration. Hanging out with others was cool, but to be honest, being able to walk around in shorts was the freaking bomb! After ducking out of a cook out in VA, we headed home for an early night.

After leaving the mall, we hooked up with Steph's man again and headed out to the base for an $8 haircut. Its funny, I know. I did this once before and it was a nightmare. But with my new attitude, I could not have cared less what my hair looked like...well, kinda. It actually turned out really good. We quickly departed en route to my very first visit to Costco. It is true, I have never been to a Costco. After grabbing a few items and a $1.50 hot dog, we headed back toward the fort. Oh, and for those that have never been to a Costco, think Wal-mart in the city. Really, this place was nuts. I saw an old woman standing there contemplating a pack of 30 home air fresheners...how fricking back can her house smell for God's sake. Glad I went ONCE.

about 3 hours on the car and OMG...its beautiful...what do you think? I'll keep it another year. (did the truck on Sunday)
After washing up we all headed to Adam's Morgan for a night on the town. A good friend of my recently turned 30 ( and I swear we celebrated it last Saturday), but being a good friend, I headed up to Bourbon on 18th street. This place is actually pretty cool. The vibe is good, music good, and it doesn't get crazy crowded. The only drawback is that I am not drinking right now, so people can get a bit annoying.
Sunday - Despite going to bed at 2:00 a.m., I

something to be said for not being hung-over. Forcing MKO out of bed again, we headed out back to give the truck a good scrub. Looks good, doesn't it?
We finished out the day by meeting a good friend from IU at Eastern Market. We walked around a bit then headed to a sweet rooftop restaurant near the Marine Barracks. We finished by strolling through Capitol Hill (I really miss that neighborhood).
Summary - This weekend was so much fun, and not the kind of fun that one usually things about. I was more focused and productive than I have been in months. Maybe its the sun, the greenery sprouting up everywhere, or a maybe I just like myself better.
Things I miss - Beer!