Wednesday, March 8, 2006

You know your old when...

**This is funny as hell. I sat down this afternoon to update my blog. If you can believe it, Fanny had the nerve to scold me for not updating my blog...yep...I did say Fanny (the nerve). Anyway, I opened this draft with the intention to deleting it and laughed. I have no idea where I was going with this thought. It is now clear that I have reached that point in life where it is not just others that and I am not listening too, but myself as well....damn pitty.**

So here is the game. Lets each come up with an ending to this story. You know the players and you know my twisted mind.....lets see what Chrissy does next.

Sweet Taste of Being Right....

Being "Mr. Know-it-all" has finally paid off for me. Not in real U.S. American dollars of course, because that would be gambling, but rather something much closer to one's heart, Bryers Ice Cream. I love this story, not so much because of the ice cream, but because of the irony.

Picture this...

The whole episode started this past Monday morning. MKO and I had decided to travel back in time, I mean... fly back to Indiana this weekend. Having not been back since September I was amazed that NOTHING had changed. I mean it folks, those of you that were in Bloomington with me, believe me when I say it is the same. Fortunately that played to my advantage when I wanted a beer...ole reliable was propped up on a bar stool when I entered the Alley Bar....that was fun, but not the point. Ok, the rest of the weekend want well...blah don't say, well...blah blah....OMG, fax me later.....!

Monday Morning (Ice Cream D-Day)
My flight leaves at 7:15 which means to the airport by 6:15 which means, leave by 5:15 to make the hour long trek to the IND airport, which means, get up at 4:00 to get ready for work before leaving for the airport = TIRED AS HELL WHEN I GOT OFF WORK!

MKO wasn't due to arrive until the following morning and, because I didn't feel like being responsbile (i.e. lanundry, dishes), I decided beer was a good alternative. So I sent out "the call" and it was not long before myself, Skechko, Fanny, Interenational Pheonom, Schwenny, and Lil KA assembled at a small cafe/buffet for an evening of antics.

Having a blast we are, then it happens. International needs a glass of wine, this is shortly after Schwenny decided that no one should ever drink out of her glass again and breaks it. So she hails down the bartender.