Saturday, April 14, 2007

Today is a nice day to be in DC. Reading the International Phenom's blog this morning I ran across a funny video ( I will never look at Justin Timberlake the same again.

Not a whole lot going on today. I was going to do long run this morning, but since we stayed out way to late celebrating Steph's pending departure to S. Africa, I decided to put it off until tomorrow.

Mood: Pretty good

Friday, April 13, 2007


I discovered yesterday that I have been de-linked from the blogs of two of my friends. Of course I don't blame them, its not like I have kept up with this whole blogging experiment, but to remove someone from your link list...thats like ripping up or throwing away a picture of an ex, you have to keep it...its good karma.

Of course a link on a blog is trivial in the bigger picture. And I know that these two people are not heathens (well one is), but it did put the whole idea of friendship into my head...what does it mean to be a friend. I don't mean that category of people you keep in your cell phone because you will eventually need a drinking buddy or a warm body to act as filler for a party you will eventually throw, but a person(s) that you truly connect with and trust. For me that group is rather small. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of friends, but very few that I “let in". That list was reduced in the past few weeks and with Steph getting on the plane for S. Africa this Wednesday, will go down again. I’m sure gonna miss her.

So, you see. The de-linking on someone else’s blog is really no big deal, but it is symbolic of what is going on in my life.

I hate feeling depressed.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Homage to great friend...

Since I am in the blogging spirit lately, I spend way more time than I should figuring out what I am going to type. And, if you know me at all, you know that I am completely random and keeping me trained on one thought is a task. Point is, I dreamed the prefect part political statement, one part social commentary, and two parts funny (at least in my dream).

However, something changed all that this morning. Yesterday, April 10, my sister Michelle celebrated another birthday and due in large part to personal and professional distractions, I completely forgot and was only reminded when I received instant message early this morning. Therefore, this entry is dedicated to her on her blah blah blah birthday.

Being from a close knit family, I have always had a tight relationship with all of my brothers and sisters (7 of us in total). So, being close is not special to us, however, what is interesting is how defined and unique each relationship is. My relationship with Michelle is definitely unique.

At risk of sounding trite, Michelle has supported me all of my life. Since breaking out on my own ten years ago, she has been at every major milestone in my life, regardless of the distance...she made the trip. Each year when my birthday comes around, I will inevitably get a phone call and from the other end of the line I will hear a terribly sung version of Happy Birthday from her and her brood. I always laugh and tell her/them that I love her/them.

Over the past few years Michelle has said to me "man, I'm jealous..." then references a new car, a degree, the house, or a vacation that I went on. And it is true that some fortune has come my way over the past couple years, but it is her that should be envied. And to find out why, simply keep scrolling….

Happy Birthday Sis. You are one of my best friends and I love getting older with you....makes that stupid shit on Warsaw so much funnier.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Identity Crisis....

Work is driving me absolutely crazy....and its all my fault.

Do you ever feel like that stupid ant that is the first out of the rubble of his freshly demolished ant hill to start rebuilding, one piece of sand at a time? That is how I am feeling lately. It seems that no matter how many times I make things right, the next day I am rebuidling the same damn hill.

Other Random Thoughts:

  1. Steph is leaving for S. Africa next week. I am sad....
  2. I am bidding on new work for our client...nervous, my stomach is turning
  3. Supporting my niece by running in Cincinnati's Flying Pig Half Marathon in May...yay, training again
  4. Refocusing on home is so easy to avoid when you have a comfy couch and a charged remote control
Thats it for now people....

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Spring sprang, then get the hell out of town...

Michael and I, along with Rob and Alley, bought season tickets to the National's this year. It is not looking good for the hometown team, but we're in it for the long haul...or at least until we can get seating priority for the new stadium.

Opening Day was cool. Adarsh (grad school), played hookie that afternoon to sit in the sun and soak up beer. It was a great day. The Nats got beat and we got trashed....either way, expectations were met.

Next game: April 16.