Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Family, Friends, and Future

2007 is here!!
Yes, it is here and I for one could not be happier. As I mentioned in my previous post, each January 1st I celebrate the passing of an old friend, the cigarette. After 13 years I was finally bid farewell to the habit, or at least shove it to the side. As I was reminiscing about my smoking days, I began feeling a bit nostalgic for changes that have come and gone over the past 12 months. Listed are a few of the highlights:
  • In the spring Michael and I said goodbye to our beloved swanky Capitol Hill apartment for a roomy hut on a spot of DC's finest dirt in the NE quadrant. Though it took us a while to get settled, it is now a place we are thrilled to call "home".
  • In late summer, Katie G left us for her new life as a medical student. To my joy the crazy life has not jaded our friend. Like old times, we spent New Years Eve doing what we do; looking for crazy shit on the internet.
  • Katie F struck out on her own, finding a coolio pad in Georgetown. We don't see much of Katie anymore; funny how a beacon of the liberal left settles so comfortably into the most elite neigoborhood of DC.
  • Julian left the great USA to pursue a life in Dutchland, dragging his mother and father along for the purpose of light entertainment.
  • Michael procured what has to be one of the coolest jobs in DC; working for the National Gallery of Art.
  • After 30 some years or second guessing and putting it off, I got braces!!
  • Somewhere along the the line my 9 yr old neice turned 22...whats up with that? Whats the age of consent now, 25?
  • Bush, Rove, and Fat Bastard Denny Hastert got their asses handed to him in November. It was an awesome night. Steph did the robot, Chester just showed up, and I'm pretty sure I have a a permanent scar inside my mouth where I got slapped.

I am quite sure there were plenty more items that are missing, but lets be honest, its not like a remember everything/anything when I'm drinking. Heres to 2006, we'll miss you old girl!