Saturday, May 5, 2007

Coming home...sorta

For those that don't know, I lived in Cincinnati from late 1989 to early 1993 ish... I was the first of my large family to move more than an hour from my mother, so it was a big step. I moved to Cincinnati in 1989 in pursuit of a girl (looking back, I really dodged a bullet...a BIG one). At any rate, it was during my stay in the Queen City (I know, irony right??) that I met Colleen. I have two very distinct recollections of that meeting. The first was her insatiable curiosity about dead animals (she had skeletons everywhere) and the second was that she borrowed my car and didn't come back for four hours...when your 20, that's a long time. Well, needless to say, the first meeting was not so wonderful. Fortunately for me, all that changed.

Fast forward 17 years now and I can honestly say that she is the best friend that I have ever had. She has seen me through serious relationships and not so serious relationships, a long drive cross country towing her car with two kittens on the dashboard, I watched her fight with the waiter in Little Italy NY over an egg plant parmesan lunch (remarkably our lunches came out an hour later,in an empty restaurant!), and become so pissed at me in Boston that she would not eat the freshly caught lobster. But through it all, she has been there. When I was sad, she'd drive through the night to sit with me, only to turn around 2 hours later and make the same 4 hour trek back home. Time was never an issue if you I needed a friend.

It is seeing her and spending time with her this weekend that re centers me on what friendship and happiness means. Colleen was there when I literally had nothing (I was fired from a Dunken Donuts) and now that we've both established our lives and we're moving toward old age together, she still looks, talks, and acts the same way as ever...a best friend. I do not get to see her as often as either of us would like, but when we do its so familiar, non-judgemental, unprotected, and unreserved. She is one of these rare people that is sincere in what she says and I know shes my friend...

Finally, I want to say how much I really hate the term "best friend" because it is so singular, it implies that only one can be the best. So, to all of my other "best friends" get your ass home!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Headed to the Flying Pig

Wish me luck...13.1 miles. Actually, it won't be too bad. I'm doing it more to support my niece who is running her first big race. I'll post some pics when its complete, providing that they are not me, after 10 miles, we all look like hell!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Friendster Update...

I didn't realize how much a social tool the Internet was until I hit grad school. It was early on in the first semester and every time I turned around someone was asking what my screen name for this site or that site was. So, like most everyone else in the modern world, I signed up for them....The Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, Classmates...and probably others I've forgotten about. As grad school became and smaller image in the rear view mirror of life, I stopped checking or updating the sites...nearly forgot about them until today.

While doing my favorite past-time today, cyber-stalking, I googled a name from my past. I'm not sure why I did it, but curiosity got the best of me. At any rate, I put the name in, clicked "Google Search" and just like that, it was there in front of me. The friendster profile. I clicked and read (its always interesting to read how people view themselves in the world) looked at pictures, clicked at some friends. It was nice, cathartic (emotionally purging, not strongly laxative). Anyway, it was fun. So, I'm moving on, getting ready to close then I see a little image that says you are linked to blah through blah and the second blah is NS (five links).

I just laughed....

...and then she marched right up to the hopper.

With all the excitement in my life lately (or lack of), I totally forgot to give a virtual high-five to our own real-life Elle Wood. See, my good friend KT is doing a brief stint in Senator blah-blib'd-blah's office. This is supposed to be a 3-month excursion from her permanent position, a vacation if you will. KT could have easily sat around for those three months, enjoying lattes with Hillary, Nancy, and maybe even Dick (probably not Dick), but she didn't.

See that sat KT in a corner and gave her a random assignment having to do with economic development of the ______ (my listening faded here). That ho took the assignment and ran. So, to make a long story short, in the two months that she has been in the Senate a bill that she initiated was sent to the floor (I hope I'm using the right terminology). Unfortunately, the bill is currently dead, though they may introduce it with other legislation later.

KT, I speak for all of your IU friends and I say great job!!

Snaps for KT....*SNAP* *SNAP* *SNAP* *SNAP* *SNAP*

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Tuesday Entry...

I realized earlier this morning that I have not provided an update in a few days. I am beginning to realize how much time and effort it takes to do daily entries. Actually, I have started a few, but have yet to finish them for one reason or another. One is really funny, another is a folksy friendship entry, and yet another I realized is a bit too personal...however, I do want to provide some updates for those of you at home still watching.

DC is absolutely beautiful right now. Its warm, but not oppressive. A cool breeze sweeps through the house. The evenings are even better, bedroom windows wide open. I've been spending as much time outside in the yard as I can. I don't think I am accomplishing much, but I'm getting a hell of a tan, among other things...

Yes, that's right. I managed to get poison ivy. I do wish there was a seedy story, you know, a romp in the woods, but unfortunately, there is not. I was helping the neighbors cut down their rain forest and got into the nasty plant. I don't realize for several days. As you might imagine, I'm not looking too hot. I haven't had the rash since Camp Pottawatomie in the 3rd grade. I had a girlfriend at the time, here name was Tina (random memory). At any rate, I have kept myself busy around the house for a couple days. I finally broke down and went to the urgent care clinic today to get a medical opinion and some meds. Of course I was right and I got my meds. The lotion works well, but I'm honestly concerned about the Prednisone; one of the side effects is depression. I'll just think happy thoughts.

Planning a vacation soon. This year has been my roughest year ever. It has not been one thing, but a culmunation of many things. Dealing with difficult personalities at work, worrying about promotions, selling new business, the incredible amount of work the house needs, the exercise, and even some relationship issues. I spend a lot of time overwhelmed. I know a vacation won't fix anything, but it will sure make the anxiety tolerable.

The Flying Pig Half Marathon. Despite my aches and pains, I am still running a half marathon this Sunday. Trust me, if it weren't for my niece, I would have bagged this sucker long ago. But I'm a good uncle. Leaving early Friday and coming back late Sunday. It a bizarre way, I don't want to leave DC. I have the sensation that I am leaving something behind...hmmm.

Ok, that's all I got for now. Hopefully I will be more responsible and update more often.