Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Two Crazy Bitches....

Arent' these two a lovely lot?

I don't even know how to start this entry. I just keep staring at these two pictures and thinking about how much I really do not like Rosie and Condi....but why?

I really can't think of anything profound to say except I'm glad Rosie is out of another job and I cannot want for the photo-op of Condi with her hand in the air being sworn in before the House Oversight Committee. I really do not think much is going to come out of it, but it will be good TV.

Other notable happenings in my life:
  • I've taken to reading again. I resisted it for a while, but now I'm back. Currently I am reading Harry Potter #6 and Kite Runner. We'll see which has a better ending.
  • I am completely frustrated with my job. The new manager has not helped and the old bitch is still driving me nuts - no the bitch is not gone! I am really not sure what I am going to do. The program I am supporting wants to hire me, but I have only been with my current firm just over a year. Of course, as attractive as the program job is, working with some of these people for the rest of my career could cause some real damage.
  • In one week I pulled two muscles which has put a stop to my gym visits. I still intend on running the Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon next month. I am sure that I will not top my Cherry Blossom time, but running with my niece, I knew that would be the case. Seeking healing hands for my ribs and my neck --anyone???
  • From a personal perspective, I am working hard to fit in around the house. Over the past few months I have spent too much time at work and doing other things and spent less time with MKO and the home place. It feels really good, we dug a tree up yesterday. To be honest, I think MKO would like it if there was a balance if you know what I mean...LOL In addition, I have really cut back on the number of hours I am working lately.
  • As of yesterday, Steph has been in S. Africa for one week. With only five more to go until she gets home...I am excited. I do hope she is having a blast.
  • Thinking Vacation....where? Any ideas?

Ok, well, that's it for now. But before I go, I want to give some shout outs. It seems that folks in Auckland New Zealand, Bonner Springs Kansas, Beijing China, and Luzern Switzerland have become fans...or stalkers??? Thanks for dropping in, leave a note.