Saturday, April 28, 2007

You lead, I'll follow...

Taking my Luzernian friends lead, I give you the Wikipedia birthday game. Ok, its really not a game, and you don't get prize, but its interesting and educational. Best yet, I don't have to be creative...this blogging shit is hard. But to my loyal subjects, I am compelled..

Ok, here is the jist....

1. Go to Wikipedia and enter your birthday without the year: February 19

2. List three events that occurred that day:
1847 - The Donner Party is rescued. It is noted that some of the survivors seem to be remarkably well-fed considering their ordeal. (Top that one!!)
1964 - Paul Simon writes "The Sounds of Silence," the song which, in a year and a half, will catapult him and Art Garfunkel to stardom as Simon & Garfunkel. (Irony?)
1968 - National Educational Television (the predecessor to the Public Broadcasting Service in the United States) debuts the children's television program Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (I have nothing here....just astonishment)

3. List two important birthdays:

1946 - Karen Silkwood, American activist (d. 1974) (interesting...)
1960 - Andrew, Duke of York (Not a Prince, but I'll settle)

4. List one death:
2003 - Johnny PayCheck, American singer (b. 1938) (still can't resist this little do wop - "Take this job and shove it..."

5. List one holiday or observance:
Astrology: First day of sun sign Pisces
Astrology: Can also be last day of sun sign Aquarius depending on the time of birth and the astrologer's viewpoint. (I'm a cusp baby...if that explains anything)

Ok, so that was a little fun. Now, you try it. I guarantee you will tell your grandchildren about tit..or not.

Mood: Pretty good, however if one more tall blonde catches me off guard by innocently standing next to me at another cross walk, hes getting a punch in the neck!!