Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Tuesday Entry...

I realized earlier this morning that I have not provided an update in a few days. I am beginning to realize how much time and effort it takes to do daily entries. Actually, I have started a few, but have yet to finish them for one reason or another. One is really funny, another is a folksy friendship entry, and yet another I realized is a bit too personal...however, I do want to provide some updates for those of you at home still watching.

DC is absolutely beautiful right now. Its warm, but not oppressive. A cool breeze sweeps through the house. The evenings are even better, bedroom windows wide open. I've been spending as much time outside in the yard as I can. I don't think I am accomplishing much, but I'm getting a hell of a tan, among other things...

Yes, that's right. I managed to get poison ivy. I do wish there was a seedy story, you know, a romp in the woods, but unfortunately, there is not. I was helping the neighbors cut down their rain forest and got into the nasty plant. I don't realize for several days. As you might imagine, I'm not looking too hot. I haven't had the rash since Camp Pottawatomie in the 3rd grade. I had a girlfriend at the time, here name was Tina (random memory). At any rate, I have kept myself busy around the house for a couple days. I finally broke down and went to the urgent care clinic today to get a medical opinion and some meds. Of course I was right and I got my meds. The lotion works well, but I'm honestly concerned about the Prednisone; one of the side effects is depression. I'll just think happy thoughts.

Planning a vacation soon. This year has been my roughest year ever. It has not been one thing, but a culmunation of many things. Dealing with difficult personalities at work, worrying about promotions, selling new business, the incredible amount of work the house needs, the exercise, and even some relationship issues. I spend a lot of time overwhelmed. I know a vacation won't fix anything, but it will sure make the anxiety tolerable.

The Flying Pig Half Marathon. Despite my aches and pains, I am still running a half marathon this Sunday. Trust me, if it weren't for my niece, I would have bagged this sucker long ago. But I'm a good uncle. Leaving early Friday and coming back late Sunday. It a bizarre way, I don't want to leave DC. I have the sensation that I am leaving something behind...hmmm.

Ok, that's all I got for now. Hopefully I will be more responsible and update more often.